Archive for June, 2013

52 Portrait Project Number 44 – Meeting Albert

Posted in 52 Portraits Project on June 23, 2013 by drhphotography

(Click on photo for larger version)

This is from my recent trip to Chicago.  For a number of years, I’ve been going to Chicago several times a year for work and pleasure.  Like a permanent fixture, a man sits near the hotel where I usually stay.  With his gravelly voice he will wish you a good morning, afternoon, etc.

Having typically ignored him each time I had passed, I decided to stop and say hello.  He introduced himself as Albert.  A lifetime resident of Chicago he claimed to be a Packers fan.  (Something makes me suspect he was telling me what he thought I wanted to hear…)  He was proud of being from Chicago and the fact he had been at that spot everyday for years.  His infectious laugh left me smiling.  After a short chat and no less than 6 fist bumps, I parted ways with Albert.  I’m sure he’ll be there on my next visit.

52 Portrait Project Project Number 42 – No words…

Posted in 52 Portraits Project on June 9, 2013 by drhphotography

Lily Rose
(Click on photo for larger version)

No words can describe the emotions we feel after the arrival of this little one on Tuesday.  I give you Lily Rose.

52 Portrait Project Number 41 – Feeling it…

Posted in 52 Portraits Project on June 7, 2013 by drhphotography

Feeling It…
(Click on photo for larger version)

Wow.  I guess having a new grandchild coming makes one forgetful.  🙂  This is posted quite late.

This is another from Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC.  I stopped at an overlook area and overheard this amazing music.  Here was this little gentleman playing what I later learned was a Chinese violin.  He was clearly enjoying himself while those who had stopped were enjoying his music.